Introduction to the Framework

This framework provides public sector organisations with an efficient, value for money procurement route to deliver important refurbishment, improvement and modernisation projects that ensure their buildings are well maintained and improves the lives of tenants and occupants within them.

Key features:

  • Provides equal opportunities for suppliers of all sizes to promote local economic development
  • Ability to deliver works in a domestic and non-domestic setting
  • Flexibile approach allowing additional works to be procured through multi-disciplinary lots
  • Appointment of companies that can support Partners in delivering social value and community benefits

Procurement guide - PDF

About the Framework

The framework was designed to provide public sector organisations with the ability to tailor the scope of work and delivery of projects, through either individual specialisms or the multi-disciplinary lots. While also providing Clients with the ability to use RM3 in conjunction with LHC’s supply frameworks, such as Kitchens and Associated Products (K7), Doorsets, Fire Doors and Communal Entrance Doors (C8) and Windows & Doors - PVC-U & Timber (WD2).


Our Vision for Refurbishment & Modernisation

As with all our frameworks we support the public sector by continuing to innovate to meet and exceed the “Gold Standard” for public sector construction frameworks. We pride ourselves on our long-standing commitment to early engagement and collaboration bringing specialist suppliers and public sector bodies together to guide framework development ensuring best possible outcomes for the public sector, local authorities and housing associations.


Workstream 1 - Kitchens & Bathrooms with Associated Works

Replacement kitchen & bathrooms
Mould prevention and protection
Associated repair replastering and redecoration
Electrical minor works and upgrades
Plumbing services
Heating services
Fire protection measures

Workstream 2 - Electrical Works

Rewire with improvements made to existing electrical systems
Replacement consumer units
Electric heating replacement and upgrades
Fire protection measures
Energy efficiency works and upgrades - Smart controls / LED etc

Workstream 3 - Painting and Decorating

Planned redecoration works and repairs
Repairs to structural and building elements
Internal and external re-decoration
Communal works
Mould prevention and protection

Workstream 4 - Environmental and External Works

Demolition, excavation and landscaping
Brickwork & blockwork
Concrete work
Fencing, gates, metalwork & fabrication
Carpentry & joinery
Painting and decorating (external)

Workstream 5 - Multi-Disciplinary Works

Planned redecoration works and repairs
Repairs to structural and building elements
Internal and external re-decoration
Communal works
Mould prevention and protection

Appointed Companies for Refurbishment and Modernisation (RM3)

-- Axis Europe plc
-- Bell Group Ltd
-- Breyer Group Plc.
-- CLC Contractors Limited
-- Everwarm Ltd
-- Foster Property Maintenance
-- Gelder Ltd
-- Hugh LS McConnell Ltd
-- Ian Williams Limited
-- Jefferies Contractors Ltd
-- M&J Group (Construction and Roofing) Ltd
-- Mitie Property Services (UK) Ltd

-- Mulalley and Company Limited
-- P Casey & Co Ltd
-- PFL Electrical Ltd
-- RE:GEN North East Limited
-- Re-Gen (M&E Services) Ltd
-- Re-Gen UK Construction Ltd
-- Ser contractor Ltd
-- Trident Maintenance Services Ltd
-- United Living (South) Limited
-- VINCI Construction UK Limited
-- Wates Property Services Ltd
-- Westone Housing Limited

Contact CPC for more information on this framework

Call us on 01895 274800 Email

This framework is valid until 29th February 2028

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